Learning R - Exploring the COVID Crime Effect in London

I use public London crime data on robbery and burglary to examine where this COVID crime shift was strongest, and whether any specific drivers or correlates can be identified.

May 22, 2021

The lockdown and social distancing measures that were brought in throughout the world to tackle COVID in 2020 have had a significant, widespread effect on crime. In this notebook, I use public London crime data on robbery and burglary to examine where this “COVID crime shift” was strongest, and whether any specific drivers or correlates can be identified. I use three years of Metropolitan Police Service data from data.police.uk.

The findings suggest that the relative change in burglary and robbery in April and May 2020 was heavily affected by local characteristics: areas with a high residential population saw the sharpest decreases in burglary (likely due to a reduction in available targets) while the reduction in robberies instead seem to be driven by geographic features and indicators of deprivation (potentially suggesting more available targets for robbery in communities least able to work for from home).

The primary purpose of this exercise was to learn R - I’ve previously worked entirely in Python, which is more than sufficient 99% of the time, but has at times proved a blocker when I want to tackle some more experimental geospatial and statistical methods. With that in mind, this is likely to be a little messy, and I’ll aim to condense my main lessons into a blog post in the future. The models are not heavily tuned (aiming to explore correlates rather than provide accurate predictions) and there are likely to be correlation between our various predictors - as such these should not be taken to suggest direct causation.

The full code and data for this exercise are available on my Github repo. I’m hoping to summarise my key lessons in the Python to R journey in Medium post in the next few weeks.

Resources I’ve used

  • Matt Ashby Crime Mapping course: https://github.com/mpjashby/crimemapping/
  • Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists: https://gdsl-ul.github.io/san/
  • R for Data Science: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/index.html
  • Geocomputation with R: https://geocompr.robinlovelace.net/


  1. Ingest Data
  2. Predict trend by MSOA
  3. Quantify MSOA COVID Effect
  4. Model

Ingest Data

For this exercise, I’ll be importing crime and robbery data by MSOA.MSOAs are geographical units specifically designed for analysis, and to be comparable: they all have an average population of just over 8,000. There is a compromise here between smaller geographical units (that create more variance that may help us identify predictors), but the necessity for enough crime per unit to identify meaningful trends - MSOAs should be suitable.

To build our process, we’ll start by taking one month of crime data, exploring it, and writing all our steps for automation.

test_df <- read.csv("crimes/2018-01/2018-01-metropolitan-street.csv")

Our crime data is categorised according to the Home Office major crime types, and like Python, we can list them all through the “unique” function. Here I’ll be focusing on robbery and burglary: two crime types that are heavily reliant on encountering victim’s in public spaces, and as such should be affected by the “COVID effect”.

To avoid this getting particularly computationally intensive, let’s write a function to pull out robberies and burglaries, and assign them a specific MSOA. Then we can iterate over all our months and get monthly counts for each offence type.

subset_df <- filter(test_df, Crime.type=="Burglary" | Crime.type=="Robbery")
Crime.ID Month Reported.by Falls.within Longitude Latitude Location LSOA.code LSOA.name Crime.type Last.outcome.category Context
628e0d673aa1b6a70479342a64b02884499df85b18dcd63cc9bff3cff9f704bc 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.140035 51.58911 On or near Beansland Grove E01000027 Barking and Dagenham 001A Burglary Offender sent to prison NA
f8e9db16dca534a83493198a838567aa5adc9dd56496edc2fff5bb4c62b8303e 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.140035 51.58911 On or near Beansland Grove E01000027 Barking and Dagenham 001A Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified NA
cc34822074b130f141f16d02fdb2d500c86e22ae18324b43a3231b381af3f45c 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.135554 51.58499 On or near Rose Lane E01000027 Barking and Dagenham 001A Burglary Status update unavailable NA
10de581c3cd0a8c9b970824cd7589d13148d63a70b3115d95ef6c24dc0bd2c3b 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.140035 51.58911 On or near Beansland Grove E01000027 Barking and Dagenham 001A Burglary Status update unavailable NA
50ad5d2dfea24afec9e17218db62b3d29786775db1060634ae7d4a6e7cafc3ff 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.127794 51.58419 On or near Hope Close E01000028 Barking and Dagenham 001B Burglary Status update unavailable NA
95abc6eb0b755c9250d19bbe0062fcd4a509b701964d89667401c9dc96ca257d 2018-01 Metropolitan Police Service Metropolitan Police Service 0.138439 51.57850 On or near Geneva Gardens E01000029 Barking and Dagenham 001C Burglary Investigation complete; no suspect identified NA

Our single month of data contains 10,501 crimes.

We now need to link this to our spatial data. We use the MSOA borders provided by MOPAC, and use the UK National Grid coordinate system. Police.uk does not use that system, so we’ll need to reproject our crime data.

lsoa_borders <- st_read("msoa_borders/MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.tab", crs=27700)
Reading layer `MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW' from data source 
  `D:\Dropbox\Data Projects\Covid_crime_shift\msoa_borders\MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.tab' 
  using driver `MapInfo File'
Simple feature collection with 983 features and 12 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 503574.2 ymin: 155850.8 xmax: 561956.7 ymax: 200933.6
Projected CRS: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid

Before we can link our crimes to MSOA, we’ll need to ensure identical coordinate systems, and remove any non-geolocated values we’ll need to erase any missing values (while checking we retain enough data for analysis.)

#count missing values in the longitude column
print("Missing values identified:")
[1] "Missing values identified:"
[1] 82

Thankfully, we only identify 82 crimes which we need to remove, leaving plenty for analysis.

clean_df <- subset_df[!rowSums(is.na(subset_df["Longitude"])), ]

We can now convert our crime data to spacial data, using our longitude and latitude coordinates - this allows us to quickly plot our data, and confirm it looks right.

Warning: plotting the first 9 out of 12 attributes; use max.plot = 12 to plot

With our data now mapped, we ensure everything is aligned to the appropriate coordinate system, and assign each crime to an MSOA from our data - the data is then aggregated into a monthly MSOA crime count, to which we assign our monthly date.

Warning in CPL_crs_from_input(x): GDAL Message 1: +init=epsg:XXXX syntax is
deprecated. It might return a CRS with a non-EPSG compliant axis order.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
MSOA11CD Crime.type count_by_msoa Month
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-01
E02000002 Burglary 9 2018-01
E02000002 Robbery 1 2018-01
E02000003 Burglary 11 2018-01
E02000003 Robbery 2 2018-01
E02000004 Burglary 10 2018-01

Bringing together all the code so far into a function, we can create an pipeline to generate our crime count per MSOA time series for the entirety of our dataset.

For this project, I haven’t used the Police.uk API (which would have enabled me to automate the downloads and query the data directly) - as such, we have to iterate over our subfolders, ingesting our CSV data and running through our process.

`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'MSOA11CD'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
MSOA11CD Crime.type count_by_msoa Month
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-01
E02000002 Burglary 9 2018-01
E02000002 Robbery 1 2018-01
E02000003 Burglary 11 2018-01
E02000003 Robbery 2 2018-01

We now have a combined dataframe of 71,848 rows, from January 2018 through December 2020.

#saving file to CSV

2. Predict trend by MSOA

Visualisation and Exploration

With our data now cleaned and aggregated, we can focus on the more interesting part - forecasting our “expected” pandemic crime, and examining how much it diverges from our “actual” crime.

empty_df <- read.csv("msoa_crime_matrix.csv")
empty_df <- empty_df[2:70848,2:5]
MSOA11CD Crime.type count_by_msoa Month
2 E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-01
3 E02000002 Burglary 9 2018-01
4 E02000002 Robbery 1 2018-01
5 E02000003 Burglary 11 2018-01
6 E02000003 Robbery 2 2018-01
7 E02000004 Burglary 10 2018-01

Before going any further, let’s use this to explore and visualise the distribution of robbery and burglary across time and space during our “pre-pandemic” period, in March 2020 - based on London mobility indicators, this is when movement accross London began to be heavily affected, and the disruption was most notable in April

London mobility data

#add a "1" so our month can be converted to a full date
burglary_df$DateString <- paste(burglary_df$Month, "-01", sep="")

#convert to date format
burglary_df$DateClean <- ymd(burglary_df$DateString)

#filter out only burglary prior to the pandemic
burglaryExplore <- filter(burglary_df,  DateClean < "2020-03-01" & Crime.type=="Burglary")

MSOA11CD Crime.type count_by_msoa Month DateString DateClean
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01
E02000002 Burglary 9 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01
E02000003 Burglary 11 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01
E02000004 Burglary 10 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01
E02000005 Burglary 6 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01
E02000007 Burglary 7 2018-01 2018-01-01 2018-01-01

Looking at the aggregate counts of burglary across London, a visual observation suggests yearly trends (which we’ll have to consider in our forecast), which sharp peaks during the Winter months and the lowest numbers in summer (when the days are longest).

#group burglary count by months and plot
burglary_by_month <- burglaryExplore %>%
  group_by(DateClean) %>%
  summarize(total_burglaries = sum(count_by_msoa))

ggplot(burglary_by_month, aes(x=DateClean, y=total_burglaries)) +

To observe how crime counts are distributed in space, let’s map both counts by MSOA. As previously mentioned, MSOAs are designed to be comparable units, at least from a population perspective - we don’t need to produce per population rates.

burglary_by_msoa <- burglaryExplore %>%
  group_by(MSOA11CD) %>%
  summarize(total_burglaries = sum(count_by_msoa))

#we join our burglary counts to their geographic msoa
burglary_map <- left_join(lsoa_borders, burglary_by_msoa, by = "MSOA11CD")

#user brewer colour palette https://colorbrewer2.org
pal <- brewer.pal(5,"BuGn")

#create our map, and add the layout options
burglary_map <-tm_shape(burglary_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "total_burglaries", title = "Total Burglary Count by MSOA", style="quantile", palette="BuGn") +
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")


robbery_df$DateString <- paste(robbery_df$Month, "-01", sep="")
robbery_df$DateClean <- ymd(robbery_df$DateString)
robberyExplore <- filter(robbery_df,  DateClean < "2020-03-01" & Crime.type=="Robbery")

robbery_by_msoa <- robberyExplore %>%
  group_by(MSOA11CD) %>%
  summarize(total_robberies = sum(count_by_msoa))

robbery_map <- left_join(lsoa_borders, robbery_by_msoa, by = "MSOA11CD")

pal <- brewer.pal(5,"BuGn")

robbery_map <-tm_shape(robbery_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "total_robberies", title = "Total Robbery Count by MSOA", style="quantile", palette="BuGn") +
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")

#arrange the maps together
tmap_arrange(burglary_map, robbery_map, nrow = 2)

We notice that robbery is noticeably more concentrated in central London, with burglary remaining quite common across the city. That said, there are also obvious spatial patterns here - these crimes are clustered in certain geographies.


We can now begin the forecasting process. To design our process, we’ll start by focusing on a single MSOA - the first in our dataset, E02000001, or the City of London.

single_msoa_df <- filter(empty_df, MSOA11CD == "E02000001" & Crime.type=="Burglary")

#we add a 01 to our date to ensure R recognises the date format
single_msoa_df$DateString <- paste(single_msoa_df$Month, "-01")

single_msoa_df$DateClean <- ymd(single_msoa_df$DateString)
MSOA11CD Crime.type count_by_msoa Month DateString DateClean
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-01 2018-01 -01 2018-01-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-02 2018-02 -01 2018-02-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2018-03 2018-03 -01 2018-03-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-04 2018-04 -01 2018-04-01
E02000001 Burglary 4 2018-05 2018-05 -01 2018-05-01
E02000001 Burglary 0 2018-06 2018-06 -01 2018-06-01
E02000001 Burglary 3 2018-07 2018-07 -01 2018-07-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2018-08 2018-08 -01 2018-08-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-09 2018-09 -01 2018-09-01
E02000001 Burglary 0 2018-10 2018-10 -01 2018-10-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2018-11 2018-11 -01 2018-11-01
E02000001 Burglary 0 2018-12 2018-12 -01 2018-12-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2019-01 2019-01 -01 2019-01-01
E02000001 Burglary 7 2019-02 2019-02 -01 2019-02-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2019-03 2019-03 -01 2019-03-01
E02000001 Burglary 3 2019-04 2019-04 -01 2019-04-01
E02000001 Burglary 6 2019-05 2019-05 -01 2019-05-01
E02000001 Burglary 6 2019-06 2019-06 -01 2019-06-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2019-07 2019-07 -01 2019-07-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2019-08 2019-08 -01 2019-08-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2019-09 2019-09 -01 2019-09-01
E02000001 Burglary 5 2019-10 2019-10 -01 2019-10-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2019-11 2019-11 -01 2019-11-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2019-12 2019-12 -01 2019-12-01
E02000001 Burglary 4 2020-01 2020-01 -01 2020-01-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-02 2020-02 -01 2020-02-01
E02000001 Burglary 0 2020-03 2020-03 -01 2020-03-01
E02000001 Burglary 0 2020-04 2020-04 -01 2020-04-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-05 2020-05 -01 2020-05-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-06 2020-06 -01 2020-06-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2020-07 2020-07 -01 2020-07-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-08 2020-08 -01 2020-08-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-09 2020-09 -01 2020-09-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-10 2020-10 -01 2020-10-01
E02000001 Burglary 1 2020-11 2020-11 -01 2020-11-01
E02000001 Burglary 2 2020-12 2020-12 -01 2020-12-01

From a forecasting/time-series perspective, this is a very small dataset - 36 monthly observations. We will be shrinking this further to only 26 by focusing on data prior to March 2020, when the COVID crime impact is felt. This significantly limits our forecasting options, and will impact accuracy, if we treat each MSOA in isolation - we could explore some sort of Vector Autoregressive Model to limit this, but given that we’re then going to be exploring the error of all our models in aggregation, this isn’t crucial. Our focus is on models that we can accurately deploy without needing to tune each of them individually, and that can capture the seasonal trend, and generate reliable predictions on our limited dataset.

Given these limitations, I’ve opted for the Prophet algorith. While it’s more opaque than a auto-arima or VAR model, it works well with monthly data, and extracting seasonal trends. It also requires very little tuning.

As such, we’ll extract our “training set” prior to March, and start forecasting.

training_set <- filter(single_msoa_df, DateClean < "2020-03-01")

training_df <- tibble(
ds y
2018-01-01 1
2018-02-01 1
2018-03-01 2
2018-04-01 1
2018-05-01 4
2018-06-01 0
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: rlang

Attaching package: 'rlang'
The following object is masked from 'package:Metrics':

The following objects are masked from 'package:purrr':

    %@%, as_function, flatten, flatten_chr, flatten_dbl, flatten_int,
    flatten_lgl, flatten_raw, invoke, splice
m <- prophet(training_df)
Disabling weekly seasonality. Run prophet with weekly.seasonality=TRUE to override this.
Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily.seasonality=TRUE to override this.
n.changepoints greater than number of observations. Using 19

For now, we’ll forecast on a 6 month horizon - we obviously wouldn’t expect it to be accurate that far into the future.

#prophet generates a future dataframe using our data, for 6 mperiods
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 6, freq = 'month')

forecast <- predict(m, future)

plot(m, forecast)

As we can see, the model seems consistent on a short horizon, and gets very wide as it goes further into the future. More importantly however, it has extracted a yearly seasonal compontent - the summer decrease we identified previously - as well as a long term trend.

prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)

These predictions seem far-fetched, but remember we will be observing a London wide error rate. As such, we must now isolate our “pandemic period” - which we define as April and May 2020 - and compare the predicted crime counts to the actual crime counts to obtain a metric of our “COVID crime shift”, or our error rate.

forecast$Month <- month(forecast$ds)
forecast$Year <- year(forecast$ds)

this_year <- filter(forecast, Year > 2019)
peak_pandemic <- filter(this_year, Month== 4 | Month== 5 )

predictionPivot <- peak_pandemic %>%
  group_by(Month) %>%
  summarize(predicted_burglary = mean(yhat))

single_msoa_df$MonthNum <- month(single_msoa_df$DateClean)
single_msoa_df$YearNum <- year(single_msoa_df$DateClean)

this_year_actual <- filter(single_msoa_df, YearNum > 2019)
peak_pandemic_actual <- filter(this_year_actual, MonthNum== 4 | MonthNum== 5 )

actual_burglary <- sum(peak_pandemic_actual$count_by_msoa)
pred_burglary <- sum(predictionPivot$predicted_burglary)

error <- actual_burglary - pred_burglary
percentage_error <- error / pred_burglary 

print("Burglary Count")
[1] "Burglary Count"
[1] 1
[1] "Predicted"
[1] 7.625019
print("Actual Error")
[1] "Actual Error"
[1] -6.625019
print("Percentage Error")
[1] "Percentage Error"
[1] -0.8688528

In this MSOA, our model predicted nearly 8 burglaries would occur in these two months, based on pre-pandemic trends. In reality, 1 took place - a large error rate, suggesting a strong “COVID effect”.

This process can now be replicated for every MSOA in London, to obtain this metric for each MSOA.

[1] 984
MSOA11CD burglaryActual burglaryPredicted burglaryError burglaryPercentError robberyActual robberyPredicted robberyError robberyPercentError
E02000001 1 7.62501853994038 -6.62501853994038 -0.868852777896614 1 -1.97666206600358 2.97666206600358 -1.50590336972561
E02000002 8 -9.23326713435216 17.2332671343522 -1.86643220472157 0 1.12957561845153 -1.12957561845153 -1
E02000003 11 12.3480006370534 -1.34800063705343 -0.109167522473914 10 6.9224283913514 3.0775716086486 0.444579768061392
E02000004 2 -4.71960263280976 6.71960263280976 -1.42376448942892 0 -1.27129225183737 1.27129225183737 -1
E02000005 4 4.58490182624086 -0.584901826240862 -0.127571286890655 1 9.21402738381341 -8.21402738381341 -0.89146982547971

Our process has completed: we have a “COVID shift” measure for all of London.

3. Measuring Local COVID Crime Shifts

We now need to use our forecasts to measure the “error” - this should provide an indication of the “COVID Crime Shift”, or how much the actual crime diverted from the previous forecasts.

I explored various avenues for this: the ideal solution would be a relative rate of the error, as MSOAs with large crime numbers will likely generate large errors, and so a rate would be ideal, though this is complicated by our erratic prediction and mix of positive and negative numbers.

Our final solution has explored two options: - the absolute error number - the relative error once the crime and predictions have been transformed (by adding 50)

\[ actual_{k} = actual + 50 \]

\[ predicted_{k} = predicted + 50 \]

\[ RPD = \frac{(actual_{k} - predicted_{k})} {(actual_{k} + predicted_{k})/2} \]

We visualise and describe these statistics first to ensure they appear sensible.

msoa_error_tibble <- read_csv("msoa_error_table2.csv")
Rows: 980 Columns: 9
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): MSOA11CD
dbl (8): burglaryActual, burglaryPredicted, burglaryError, burglaryPercentEr...

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
msoa_error_tibble[,2:9] <- lapply(msoa_error_tibble[,2:9], as.numeric)

msoa_error_tibble <- msoa_error_tibble[2:980, ]

msoa_error_tibble <- left_join(msoa_error_tibble, robbery_by_msoa, by = "MSOA11CD")
msoa_error_tibble <- left_join(msoa_error_tibble, burglary_by_msoa, by = "MSOA11CD")
msoa_error_tibble$RPDBurglary <- (msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActual - msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredicted)/((msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredicted + msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActual)/2)

msoa_error_tibble$RPDRobbery <- (msoa_error_tibble$robberyActual - msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredicted)/((msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredicted + msoa_error_tibble$robberyActual)/2)

msoa_error_tibble$robberyActualShifted <- msoa_error_tibble$robberyActual + 50
msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredictedShifted <- msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredicted + 50

msoa_error_tibble$RPDRobberyShifted <- (msoa_error_tibble$robberyActualShifted - msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredictedShifted)/((msoa_error_tibble$robberyPredictedShifted + msoa_error_tibble$robberyActualShifted)/2)

msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActualShifted <- msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActual + 50
msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredictedShifted <- msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredicted + 50

msoa_error_tibble$RPDburglaryShifted <- (msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActualShifted - msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredictedShifted)/((msoa_error_tibble$burglaryPredictedShifted + msoa_error_tibble$burglaryActualShifted)/2)
print("Burglary Error")
[1] "Burglary Error"
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-97.191 -12.870  -5.271  -6.090   2.111  48.727 
print("Burglary Relative Error")
[1] "Burglary Relative Error"
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-0.81266 -0.20689 -0.08826 -0.07976  0.03612  1.29467 
print("Robbery Error")
[1] "Robbery Error"
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-309.618   -6.577   -2.150   -3.840    2.205   25.564 
print("Robbery Relative Error")
[1] "Robbery Relative Error"
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-1.45491 -0.11808 -0.04081 -0.04876  0.04309  0.62020 

As we can see, the average London MSOA experienced a negative COVID crime shift for both burglary and robbery, but this is far from equally distributed - at the extremes, some areas actually see large increases on our predicted values.

burg_hist <- ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x=burglaryError)) + geom_histogram()
rob_hist <-ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x=robberyError)) + geom_histogram()
burg_r_hist <- ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x=RPDburglaryShifted)) + geom_histogram()
rob_r_hist <- ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x=RPDRobberyShifted)) + geom_histogram()
scatter <- ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x = RPDRobberyShifted, y = RPDburglaryShifted)) +

r_scatter <- ggplot(msoa_error_tibble, aes(x = robberyError, y = burglaryError)) +

ggarrange(rob_hist, burg_hist, rob_r_hist, burg_r_hist,scatter, r_scatter, ncol=2, nrow=3 )
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Our shifted relative error rate seems to function as intended: while there are still outliers, they are more concentrated than they are for the pure error term, and the overall distribution is more focused, while still indicating the direction and relative strength of our COVID effect.

Let’s map this effect visually, and see if any particular areas stand out.

#re-ingest our geographic MSOA borders
msoa_borders <- st_read("msoa_borders/MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.tab", crs=27700)
Reading layer `MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW' from data source 
  `D:\Dropbox\Data Projects\Covid_crime_shift\msoa_borders\MSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.tab' 
  using driver `MapInfo File'
Simple feature collection with 983 features and 12 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 503574.2 ymin: 155850.8 xmax: 561956.7 ymax: 200933.6
Projected CRS: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
geographic_error_map <- left_join(msoa_borders, msoa_error_tibble, by = "MSOA11CD")

burg_map <- tm_shape(geographic_error_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "robberyError", title = "Robbery Error", palette="-PuOr")+
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")
rob_map <-tm_shape(geographic_error_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "burglaryError", title = "Burglary  Error", palette="-PuOr")+
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")

burg_map_rate <- tm_shape(geographic_error_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "RPDRobberyShifted", title = "Robbery Error Relative", palette="-PuOr")+
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")
rob_map_rate <-tm_shape(geographic_error_map) +
  tm_fill(col = "RPDburglaryShifted", title = "Burglary  Error Relative", palette="-PuOr")+
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE, legend.outside.position = "right")

tmap_arrange(burg_map, rob_map, burg_map_rate, rob_map_rate , nrow = 2, ncol=2)
Variable(s) "robberyError" contains positive and negative values, so midpoint is set to 0. Set midpoint = NA to show the full spectrum of the color palette.
Variable(s) "burglaryError" contains positive and negative values, so midpoint is set to 0. Set midpoint = NA to show the full spectrum of the color palette.
Variable(s) "RPDRobberyShifted" contains positive and negative values, so midpoint is set to 0. Set midpoint = NA to show the full spectrum of the color palette.
Variable(s) "RPDburglaryShifted" contains positive and negative values, so midpoint is set to 0. Set midpoint = NA to show the full spectrum of the color palette.

It’s hard to identify any obvious effect visually, but we do notice that while central London sees some very strong reductions, it also sees some increases. Conversely, the outskirts of London (notably to the south and West) are a near continuous area of large decreases. The effect does vary by offence type, but the pattern seen in South and West London appears broadly consistent.

Identifying Correlates and Modelling

We’ve identified that the COVID crime effect was felt unequally accross London, and varies by offence type. To finalise our project, we will be linking our data to demographic data provided by MOPAC, and aiming to use it to identify correlates to our “covid shift”, and hopefully build models disentangling the effect.

#ingest ATLAS
msoa_atlas <- read_excel("msoa_atlas/msoa-data.xls")
New names:
• `House Prices Sales 2011` -> `House Prices Sales 2011...129`
• `House Prices Sales 2011` -> `House Prices Sales 2011...130`
#join by MSOA
geographic_msoa_matrix <- left_join(geographic_error_map, msoa_atlas, by = "MSOA11CD")

#convert to tibble
msoa_matrix_tbl <- as_tibble(geographic_msoa_matrix)
write_csv(msoa_matrix_tbl, "msoa_matrix.csv")

#select only numeric data
msoa_matrix_numeric <-dplyr::select_if(msoa_matrix_tbl, is.numeric)
UsualRes HholdRes ComEstRes PopDen Hholds AvHholdSz burglaryActual burglaryPredicted burglaryError burglaryPercentError robberyActual robberyPredicted robberyError robberyPercentError total_robberies total_burglaries RPDBurglary RPDRobbery robberyActualShifted robberyPredictedShifted RPDRobberyShifted burglaryActualShifted burglaryPredictedShifted RPDburglaryShifted Age Structure (2011 Census) All Ages Age Structure (2011 Census) 0-15 Age Structure (2011 Census) 16-29 Age Structure (2011 Census) 30-44 Age Structure (2011 Census) 45-64 Age Structure (2011 Census) 65+ Age Structure (2011 Census) Working-age Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2002 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2003 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2004 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2005 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2006 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2007 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2008 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2009 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2010 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2011 Mid-year Estimate totals All Ages 2012 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age % 0 to 14 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age % 15-64 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age % 65+ Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 0-4 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 5-9 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 10-14 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 15-19 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 20-24 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 25-29 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 30-34 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 35-39 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 40-44 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 45-49 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 50-54 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 55-59 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 60-64 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 65-69 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 70-74 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 75-79 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 80-84 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 85-89 Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 90+ Households (2011) All Households Household Composition (2011) Numbers Couple household with dependent children Household Composition (2011) Numbers Couple household without dependent children Household Composition (2011) Numbers Lone parent household Household Composition (2011) Numbers One person household Household Composition (2011) Numbers Other household Types Household Composition (2011) Percentages Couple household with dependent children Household Composition (2011) Percentages Couple household without dependent children Household Composition (2011) Percentages Lone parent household Household Composition (2011) Percentages One person household Household Composition (2011) Percentages Other household Types Ethnic Group (2011 Census) White Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Mixed/multiple ethnic groups Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Asian/Asian British Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Black/African/Caribbean/Black British Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Other ethnic group Ethnic Group (2011 Census) BAME Ethnic Group (2011 Census) White (%) Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Mixed/multiple ethnic groups (%) Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Asian/Asian British (%) Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Black/African/Caribbean/Black British (%) Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Other ethnic group (%) Ethnic Group (2011 Census) BAME (%) Country of Birth (2011) United Kingdom Country of Birth (2011) Not United Kingdom Country of Birth (2011) United Kingdom (%) Country of Birth (2011) Not United Kingdom (%) Household Language (2011) At least one person aged 16 and over in household has English as a main language Household Language (2011) No people in household have English as a main language Household Language (2011) % of people aged 16 and over in household have English as a main language Household Language (2011) % of households where no people in household have English as a main language Religion (2011) Christian Religion (2011) Buddhist Religion (2011) Hindu Religion (2011) Jewish Religion (2011) Muslim Religion (2011) Sikh Religion (2011) Other religion Religion (2011) No religion Religion (2011) Religion not stated Religion (2011) Christian (%) Religion (2011) Buddhist (%) Religion (2011) Hindu (%) Religion (2011) Jewish (%) Religion (2011) Muslim (%) Religion (2011) Sikh (%) Religion (2011) Other religion (%) Religion (2011) No religion (%) Religion (2011) Religion not stated (%) Tenure (2011) Owned: Owned outright Tenure (2011) Owned: Owned with a mortgage or loan Tenure (2011) Social rented Tenure (2011) Private rented Tenure (2011) Owned: Owned outright (%) Tenure (2011) Owned: Owned with a mortgage or loan (%) Tenure (2011) Social rented (%) Tenure (2011) Private rented (%) Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with at least one usual resident Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Detached Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Semi-detached Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Terraced (including end-terrace) Dwelling type (2011) Flat, maisonette or apartment Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with at least one usual resident (%) Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents (%) Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Detached (%) Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Semi-detached (%) Dwelling type (2011) Whole house or bungalow: Terraced (including end-terrace) (%) Dwelling type (2011) Flat, maisonette or apartment (%) Land Area Hectares Population Density Persons per hectare (2012) House Prices Median House Price (£) 2005 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2006 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2007 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2008 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2009 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2010 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2011 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2012 House Prices Median House Price (£) 2013 (p) House Prices Sales 2005 House Prices Sales 2006 House Prices Sales 2007 House Prices Sales 2008 House Prices Sales 2009 House Prices Sales 2010 House Prices Sales 2011…129 House Prices Sales 2011…130 House Prices Sales 2013(p) Qualifications (2011 Census) No qualifications Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Level 1 qualifications Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Level 2 qualifications Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Apprenticeship Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Level 3 qualifications Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Level 4 qualifications and above Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Other qualifications Qualifications (2011 Census) Schoolchildren and full-time students: Age 18 and over Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically active: Total Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically active: Unemployed Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically inactive: Total Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically active % Economic Activity (2011 Census) Unemployment Rate Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically inactive % Adults in Employment (2011 Census) No adults in employment in household: With dependent children Adults in Employment (2011 Census) % of households with no adults in employment: With dependent children Household Income Estimates (2011/12) Total Mean Annual Household Income (£) Household Income Estimates (2011/12) Total Median Annual Household Income (£) Income Deprivation (2010) % living in income deprived households reliant on means tested benefit Income Deprivation (2010) % of people aged over 60 who live in pension credit households Lone Parents (2011 Census) All lone parent housholds with dependent children Lone Parents (2011 Census) Lone parents not in employment Lone Parents (2011 Census) Lone parent not in employment % Central Heating (2011 Census) Households with central heating (%) Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities limited a lot Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities limited a little Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities not limited Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities limited a lot (%) Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities limited a little (%) Health (2011 Census) Day-to-day activities not limited (%) Health (2011 Census) Very good health Health (2011 Census) Good health Health (2011 Census) Fair health Health (2011 Census) Bad health Health (2011 Census) Very bad health Health (2011 Census) Very good health (%) Health (2011 Census) Good health (%) Health (2011 Census) Fair health (%) Health (2011 Census) Bad health (%) Health (2011 Census) Very bad health (%) Low Birth Weight Births (2007-2011) Low Birth Weight Births (%) Low Birth Weight Births (2007-2011) LCL - Lower confidence limit Low Birth Weight Births (2007-2011) UCL - Upper confidence limit Obesity % of measured children in Year 6 who were classified as obese, 2009/10-2011/12 Obesity Percentage of the population aged 16+ with a BMI of 30+, modelled estimate, 2006-2008 Incidence of Cancer All Incidence of Cancer Breast Cancer Incidence of Cancer Colorectal Cancer Incidence of Cancer Lung Cancer Incidence of Cancer Prostate Cancer Life Expectancy Males Life Expectancy Females Car or van availability (2011 Census) No cars or vans in household Car or van availability (2011 Census) 1 car or van in household Car or van availability (2011 Census) 2 cars or vans in household Car or van availability (2011 Census) 3 cars or vans in household Car or van availability (2011 Census) 4 or more cars or vans in household Car or van availability (2011 Census) Sum of all cars or vans in the area Car or van availability (2011 Census) No cars or vans in household (%) Car or van availability (2011 Census) 1 car or van in household (%) Car or van availability (2011 Census) 2 cars or vans in household (%) Car or van availability (2011 Census) 3 cars or vans in household (%) Car or van availability (2011 Census) 4 or more cars or vans in household (%) Car or van availability (2011 Census) Cars per household Road Casualties 2010 Fatal Road Casualties 2010 Serious Road Casualties 2010 Slight Road Casualties 2010 2010 Total Road Casualties 2011 Fatal Road Casualties 2011 Serious Road Casualties 2011 Slight Road Casualties 2011 2011 Total Road Casualties 2012 Fatal Road Casualties 2012 Serious Road Casualties 2012 Slight Road Casualties 2012 2012 Total
7375 7187 188 25.5 4385 1.6 1 7.625019 -6.6250185 -0.8688528 1 -1.976662 2.976662 -1.5059034 53 58 -1.5362329 -6.0955833 51 48.02334 0.0601204 51 57.62502 -0.1219796 7375 620 1665 2045 2010 1035 5720 7280 7115 7118 7131 7254 7607 7429 7472 7338 7412 7604 8.771699 76.68332 14.54498 297 205 165 231 495 949 826 622 663 598 504 470 473 363 263 192 155 86 47 4385 306 927 153 2472 527 6.978335 21.14025 3.489168 56.37400 12.01824 5799 289 940 193 154 1576 78.63051 3.918644 12.745763 2.616949 2.0881356 21.36949 4670 2705 63.32203 36.67797 3825 560 87.22919 12.770810 3344 92 145 166 409 18 28 2522 651 45.3 1.2 2.0 2.3 5.5 0.2 0.4 34.2 8.8 1093 762 725 1573 24.9 17.4 16.5 35.9 4385 1145 22 12 80 5416 79.3 20.7 0.4 0.2 1.4 98.0 289.78 26.24060 310000 341000 412500 365000.0 410000 450000 465000 485000 595000 303 295 268 141 157 235 256 195 353 454 291 445 47 484 4618 416 422 4972 187 1335 78.83304 3.761062 21.16696 38 0.9 59728.48 46788.30 5.2 9.9 91 22 24.2 95.7 328 520 6527 4.447458 7.050847 88.50169 4112 2374 643 190 56 55.75593 32.18983 8.718644 2.576271 0.759322 4.2 2.5 7.1 NA 13.7 76.8 90.9 83.9 57.1 80.2 83.6 88.4 3043 1100 173 51 18 1692 69.4 25.1 3.9 1.2 0.4 0.3858609 1 39 334 374 0 46 359 405 2 51 361 414
6775 6724 51 31.3 2713 2.5 8 -9.233267 17.2332671 -1.8664322 0 1.129576 -1.129576 -1.0000000 53 136 -27.9473386 -2.0000000 50 51.12958 -0.0223392 58 40.76673 0.3489691 6775 1751 1277 1388 1258 1101 3923 6333 6312 6329 6341 6330 6323 6369 6570 6636 6783 6853 25.113089 58.73340 16.15351 652 607 462 458 399 468 466 466 461 450 347 254 256 254 206 215 201 137 94 2713 491 366 597 814 445 18.098046 13.49060 22.005160 30.00369 16.40251 4403 330 820 1133 89 2372 64.98893 4.870849 12.103321 16.723247 1.3136531 35.01107 5159 1616 76.14760 23.85240 2459 254 90.63767 9.362329 3975 19 174 27 591 122 16 1417 434 58.7 0.3 2.6 0.4 8.7 1.8 0.2 20.9 6.4 596 663 1133 269 22.0 24.4 41.8 9.9 2713 82 99 744 865 1087 97.1 2.9 3.5 26.6 30.9 38.9 216.15 31.70483 168500 180000 187500 197500.0 190000 173000 185000 182250 190000 81 100 100 68 45 61 51 42 61 1623 789 706 118 479 914 395 272 2847 335 1513 65.29817 11.766772 34.70183 319 11.8 31788.19 27058.70 31.0 27.5 445 249 56.0 97.5 707 678 5390 10.435424 10.007380 79.55720 2933 2288 1059 389 106 43.29151 33.77122 15.630996 5.741697 1.564576 10.6 8.4 13.3 23.6 29.8 100.7 93.3 82.5 97.2 107.6 78.0 80.1 1020 1186 424 66 17 2305 37.6 43.7 15.6 2.4 0.6 0.8496130 0 0 18 18 0 2 16 18 0 1 15 16
10045 10033 12 46.9 3834 2.6 11 12.348001 -1.3480006 -0.1091675 10 6.922428 3.077572 0.4445798 124 239 -0.1154703 0.3637269 60 56.92243 0.0526430 61 62.34800 -0.0218569 10045 2247 1959 2300 2259 1280 6518 9236 9252 9155 9072 9144 9227 9564 9914 10042 10088 10218 21.442552 65.81523 12.74222 849 739 603 615 686 804 818 743 770 713 624 526 426 372 277 258 198 124 73 3834 776 730 589 1039 700 20.239958 19.04017 15.362546 27.09963 18.25769 5486 433 2284 1618 224 4559 54.61424 4.310602 22.737680 16.107516 2.2299652 45.38576 7193 2852 71.60777 28.39223 3431 403 89.48878 10.511215 5475 46 476 42 1351 430 34 1514 677 54.5 0.5 4.7 0.4 13.4 4.3 0.3 15.1 6.7 1028 1473 446 830 26.8 38.4 11.6 21.6 3834 110 161 936 1591 1256 97.2 2.8 4.1 23.7 40.3 31.8 214.15 47.71422 185000 197750 220000 225000.0 188500 215000 200000 205500 237000 203 232 295 100 80 97 89 114 98 1778 1210 1236 169 847 1829 729 442 5038 459 2111 70.47139 9.110758 29.52861 268 7.0 43356.93 36834.53 18.9 21.2 408 199 48.8 96.5 792 810 8443 7.884520 8.063713 84.05177 4566 3633 1325 406 115 45.45545 36.16725 13.190642 4.041812 1.144848 7.8 6.1 9.9 25.5 28.3 91.4 107.3 124.6 105.5 82.9 80.2 85.6 1196 1753 691 155 39 3766 31.2 45.7 18.0 4.0 1.0 0.9822640 0 3 34 37 1 4 40 45 0 3 47 50
6182 5937 245 24.8 2318 2.6 2 -4.719603 6.7196026 -1.4237645 0 -1.271292 1.271292 -1.0000000 30 81 -4.9416062 -2.0000000 50 48.72871 0.0257532 52 45.28040 0.1381492 6182 1196 1277 1154 1543 1012 3974 6208 6159 6163 6152 5997 6005 6084 6268 6237 6185 6308 18.246671 65.82118 15.93215 409 364 378 516 472 435 363 399 388 463 459 354 303 226 238 194 172 106 69 2318 508 524 322 609 355 21.915444 22.60569 13.891286 26.27265 15.31493 5006 186 313 649 28 1176 80.97703 3.008735 5.063086 10.498221 0.4529279 19.02297 5292 890 85.60336 14.39664 2214 104 95.51337 4.486626 4070 21 34 23 234 10 18 1373 399 65.8 0.3 0.5 0.4 3.8 0.2 0.3 22.2 6.5 718 969 371 228 31.0 41.8 16.0 9.8 2318 45 92 858 1094 314 98.1 1.9 3.9 36.3 46.3 13.2 249.28 25.30488 181000 182000 212000 208997.5 182000 192000 193750 205000 210000 93 131 125 66 54 61 72 58 67 1502 800 825 163 539 891 266 215 3187 296 1251 71.81163 9.287731 28.18837 122 5.3 46701.44 39668.21 15.8 21.3 206 87 42.2 98.5 586 547 5049 9.479133 8.848269 81.67260 2857 2086 861 302 76 46.21482 33.74313 13.927532 4.885150 1.229376 5.8 3.9 8.6 NA 26.9 96.1 95.5 105.8 102.4 110.3 77.9 80.7 556 1085 515 128 34 2650 24.0 46.8 22.2 5.5 1.5 1.1432269 0 1 13 14 0 2 7 9 0 2 5 7
8562 8562 0 72.1 3183 2.7 4 4.584902 -0.5849018 -0.1275713 1 9.214027 -8.214027 -0.8914698 87 161 -0.1362629 -1.6083817 51 59.21403 -0.1490559 54 54.58490 -0.0107732 8562 2200 1592 1995 1829 946 5416 7919 7922 7882 7887 7917 7916 8025 8317 8519 8588 8660 24.237875 64.57275 11.18938 783 692 624 657 525 608 616 643 673 656 508 386 320 321 202 194 127 90 35 3183 691 583 593 808 508 21.709080 18.31605 18.630223 25.38486 15.95979 5674 313 1050 1445 80 2888 66.26956 3.655688 12.263490 16.876898 0.9343611 33.73044 6425 2137 75.04088 24.95912 2868 315 90.10368 9.896324 4986 28 138 35 762 166 13 1816 618 58.2 0.3 1.6 0.4 8.9 1.9 0.2 21.2 7.2 711 1146 793 482 22.3 36.0 24.9 15.1 3183 89 136 622 2141 373 97.3 2.7 4.2 19.0 65.4 11.4 118.81 72.88949 162250 170000 185000 200000.0 166250 169000 165000 167000 180000 152 168 184 73 60 58 81 59 75 1839 1026 1038 160 653 1119 527 333 4052 394 1881 68.29597 9.723593 31.70403 307 9.6 34293.82 29155.68 22.9 25.3 442 231 52.3 96.3 713 722 7127 8.327494 8.432609 83.23990 4089 2811 1134 412 116 47.75753 32.83111 13.244569 4.811960 1.354824 7.7 6.0 9.9 24.4 29.7 110.0 106.1 113.7 168.6 63.1 76.8 79.9 1080 1423 551 109 20 2937 33.9 44.7 17.3 3.4 0.6 0.9227144 1 5 24 30 0 2 27 29 0 1 24 25
8791 8672 119 50.6 3441 2.5 5 13.290915 -8.2909151 -0.6238032 5 1.267089 3.732911 2.9460534 96 136 -0.9065610 1.1912744 55 51.26709 0.0702553 55 63.29092 -0.1401784 8791 2388 1765 1867 1736 1035 5368 7806 7726 7771 7820 7877 7974 8145 8394 8571 8823 9076 26.586602 62.02071 11.39268 957 792 664 633 642 686 634 651 596 610 483 398 296 242 207 180 181 139 85 3441 643 489 776 1064 469 18.686428 14.21099 22.551584 30.92124 13.62976 5906 307 526 1997 55 2885 67.18235 3.492208 5.983392 22.716414 0.6256399 32.81765 6658 2133 75.73655 24.26345 3117 324 90.58413 9.415867 5409 22 67 13 577 19 24 2148 512 61.5 0.3 0.8 0.1 6.6 0.2 0.3 24.4 5.8 558 821 1663 333 16.2 23.9 48.3 9.7 3441 93 82 761 1219 1471 97.4 2.6 2.3 21.5 34.5 41.6 173.58 52.28713 165000 165000 187000 199000.0 155000 165000 153750 172500 168500 112 133 139 39 40 75 76 48 55 2057 1065 1001 166 556 1129 429 402 3905 511 1893 67.35081 13.085788 32.64919 437 12.7 29975.83 25568.60 33.3 28.9 602 345 57.3 98.1 828 752 7211 9.418724 8.554203 82.02707 3996 3015 1252 407 121 45.45558 34.29644 14.241838 4.629735 1.376408 6.8 5.3 8.8 26.0 29.0 117.0 80.1 123.6 151.7 112.9 75.7 79.5 1496 1444 419 63 19 2549 43.5 42.0 12.2 1.8 0.6 0.7407730 0 2 18 20 1 1 18 20 0 2 25 27

Having now ingested and linked our data, we begin by exploring the factors most highly correlated with our relative error rates.

corr_df <- correlate(dplyr::select_if(msoa_matrix_tbl, is.numeric), quiet = TRUE)


Starting by our relative robbery error, a few interesting correlates stand out: - road traffic casualties - burglary numbers - the number of dwellings with no usual residents, and the number of commercial residents - households with no cars - the age composition of the area - general deprivation indicators (such as the proportion of households with central heating)

#show only correlates with an absolute value higher than 0.2
#filter(dplyr::select(corr_df[order(corr_df$RPDRobberyShifted),] , term, RPDRobberyShifted), RPDRobberyShifted < -0.2 | RPDRobberyShifted > 0.2)
#filter(dplyr::select(corr_df[order(corr_df$RPDRobberyShifted),] , term, RPDRobberyShifted), RPDRobberyShifted < -0.2 | RPDRobberyShifted > 0.2)
high_corr_rob <- filter(dplyr::select(corr_df, term, RPDRobberyShifted), RPDRobberyShifted < -0.15 | RPDRobberyShifted > 0.15)

term RPDRobberyShifted
robberyPredicted -0.8387666
robberyPredictedShifted -0.8387666
total_robberies -0.5369450
total_burglaries -0.4717060
Road Casualties 2011 2011 Total -0.3701356
Road Casualties 2011 Slight -0.3635665
Road Casualties 2010 2010 Total -0.3597137
Road Casualties 2010 Slight -0.3567229
Road Casualties 2012 2012 Total -0.3563600
Road Casualties 2012 Slight -0.3521528
Road Casualties 2011 Serious -0.3474359
Road Casualties 2012 Serious -0.3200851
Road Casualties 2010 Serious -0.3057949
burglaryPredicted -0.2952051
burglaryPredictedShifted -0.2952051
burglaryActual -0.2646662
burglaryActualShifted -0.2646662
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents -0.2587599
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents (%) -0.2308005
Car or van availability (2011 Census) No cars or vans in household -0.2279835
Qualifications (2011 Census) Schoolchildren and full-time students: Age 18 and over -0.2219251
Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age 20-24 -0.2182673
Household Composition (2011) Numbers One person household -0.2145786
Tenure (2011) Private rented -0.2029037
Dwelling type (2011) Flat, maisonette or apartment -0.2015178
Household Composition (2011) Percentages One person household -0.1900561
Age Structure (2011 Census) 16-29 -0.1896718
Car or van availability (2011 Census) No cars or vans in household (%) -0.1895818
ComEstRes -0.1858042
Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age % 15-64 -0.1821470
Religion (2011) Buddhist -0.1772919
Religion (2011) Buddhist (%) -0.1759725
Household Language (2011) No people in household have English as a main language -0.1746012
Qualifications (2011 Census) Highest level of qualification: Level 3 qualifications -0.1642773
Hholds -0.1615083
Households (2011) All Households -0.1615083
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with at least one usual resident -0.1615083
Economic Activity (2011 Census) Economically inactive: Total -0.1570016
Age Structure (2011 Census) Working-age -0.1531622
Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Other ethnic group -0.1523189
Car or van availability (2011 Census) Cars per household 0.1604540
Tenure (2011) Owned: Owned with a mortgage or loan (%) 0.1701928
Central Heating (2011 Census) Households with central heating (%) 0.2055461
burglaryError 0.2115687
Household Composition (2011) Percentages Couple household with dependent children 0.2130557
Car or van availability (2011 Census) 1 car or van in household (%) 0.2305679
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with at least one usual resident (%) 0.2308005
robberyError 0.8565425

The correlations for burglary are weaker - only a few have an absolute value higher than 0.2 - but a few stand out: - households with no residents - high robbery numbers - house prices

high_corr_burg <- filter(dplyr::select(corr_df, term, RPDburglaryShifted), RPDburglaryShifted < -0.15 | RPDburglaryShifted > 0.15)

term RPDburglaryShifted
burglaryPredicted -0.8600903
burglaryPredictedShifted -0.8600903
total_burglaries -0.2169094
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents -0.1761768
total_robberies -0.1714721
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents (%) -0.1706826
robberyPredicted -0.1631558
robberyPredictedShifted -0.1631558
House Prices Median House Price (£) 2010 -0.1609004
House Prices Median House Price (£) 2008 -0.1527950
House Prices Median House Price (£) 2011 -0.1507911
House Prices Median House Price (£) 2007 -0.1505301
Mid-year Estimates 2012, by age % 0 to 14 0.1628106
robberyError 0.1628523
Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with at least one usual resident (%) 0.1706826
burglaryError 0.9656142

These correlates suggest we can model this shift - this is likely to prove more reliable for robbery (where the correlations are stronger), and seem linked to usual resident population(as measured by household composition), deprivation (through various proxy indicators such as central heating presence or housing type), and general crime patterns (through total burglary and robbery numbers)

We will take two approaches for modelling: a simple regression (to identify strong links) and random forest regressors (to identify non-linear associations)

Simple Regression

We begin through the use of simple OLS regression. This is a linear model that has large limitations for modelling complex relationships, but can be an effective first step, effectively with a few transformations.

R does not cope well with blank spaces in terms, so we’ll extract and rename our key correlates.

#make copy of df and rename 

msoa_copy <- msoa_matrix_numeric

names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Dwelling type (2011) Household spaces with no usual residents"] <- "DwellingNoResidents"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "House Prices Median House Price (£) 2010"] <- "MedianHousePrice"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Dwelling type (2011) Flat, maisonette or apartment"] <- "FlatAprt"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Qualifications (2011 Census) Schoolchildren and full-time students: Age 18 and over"] <- "fullTimeStudents"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Car or van availability (2011 Census) No cars or vans in household"] <- "NoCars"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Ethnic Group (2011 Census) Other ethnic group"] <- "OtherEthnicGroup"
names(msoa_copy)[names(msoa_copy) == "Central Heating (2011 Census) Households with central heating (%)"] <- "CentralHealingPercent"

Let’s now extract these to a separate dataframe, remove any missing values, and provide some quick summary statistics to identify any obvious concerns.

We also generate a matrix of scatter-plots, so as to identify any obvious relationships between our key values.

feature_df <- dplyr::select(msoa_copy, RPDburglaryShifted, RPDRobberyShifted, total_burglaries, total_robberies, DwellingNoResidents, MedianHousePrice, FlatAprt, fullTimeStudents, NoCars, OtherEthnicGroup, CentralHealingPercent, AvHholdSz, ComEstRes)

feature_df <- drop_na(feature_df, RPDburglaryShifted, RPDRobberyShifted)
RPDburglaryShifted RPDRobberyShifted total_burglaries total_robberies DwellingNoResidents MedianHousePrice FlatAprt fullTimeStudents NoCars OtherEthnicGroup CentralHealingPercent AvHholdSz ComEstRes
-0.1219796 0.0601204 58 53 1145 450000 5416 422 3043 154 95.7 1.6 188
0.3489691 -0.0223392 136 53 82 173000 1087 272 1020 89 97.5 2.5 51
-0.0218569 0.0526430 239 124 110 215000 1256 442 1196 224 96.5 2.6 12
0.1381492 0.0257532 81 30 45 192000 314 215 556 28 98.5 2.6 245
-0.0107732 -0.1490559 161 87 89 169000 373 333 1080 80 96.3 2.7 0
-0.1401784 0.0702553 136 96 93 165000 1471 402 1496 55 98.1 2.5 119
 RPDburglaryShifted RPDRobberyShifted  total_burglaries total_robberies  
 Min.   :-0.81266   Min.   :-1.45491   Min.   :  46.0   Min.   :   2.00  
 1st Qu.:-0.20689   1st Qu.:-0.11808   1st Qu.: 121.0   1st Qu.:  29.00  
 Median :-0.08826   Median :-0.04081   Median : 159.0   Median :  53.00  
 Mean   :-0.07976   Mean   :-0.04876   Mean   : 175.5   Mean   :  78.53  
 3rd Qu.: 0.03612   3rd Qu.: 0.04309   3rd Qu.: 205.0   3rd Qu.:  92.00  
 Max.   : 1.29467   Max.   : 0.62020   Max.   :1973.0   Max.   :2456.00  
 DwellingNoResidents MedianHousePrice     FlatAprt      fullTimeStudents
 Min.   :  14.0      Min.   : 137625   Min.   :  54.0   Min.   : 122.0  
 1st Qu.:  59.0      1st Qu.: 222500   1st Qu.: 830.5   1st Qu.: 305.5  
 Median :  86.0      Median : 265975   Median :1607.0   Median : 465.0  
 Mean   : 123.4      Mean   : 310710   Mean   :1798.2   Mean   : 539.5  
 3rd Qu.: 133.0      3rd Qu.: 351525   3rd Qu.:2566.5   3rd Qu.: 654.5  
 Max.   :1556.0      Max.   :1425000   Max.   :6429.0   Max.   :3370.0  
     NoCars     OtherEthnicGroup CentralHealingPercent   AvHholdSz    
 Min.   : 185   Min.   :  16.0   Min.   :92.10         Min.   :1.600  
 1st Qu.: 796   1st Qu.: 134.0   1st Qu.:96.60         1st Qu.:2.300  
 Median :1256   Median : 232.0   Median :97.40         Median :2.500  
 Mean   :1382   Mean   : 285.8   Mean   :97.24         Mean   :2.506  
 3rd Qu.:1858   3rd Qu.: 376.5   3rd Qu.:98.00         3rd Qu.:2.700  
 Max.   :4319   Max.   :3001.0   Max.   :99.60         Max.   :3.900  
 Min.   :   0  
 1st Qu.:   9  
 Median :  41  
 Mean   : 102  
 3rd Qu.: 105  
 Max.   :2172  
   RPDburglaryShifted     RPDRobberyShifted      total_burglaries 
                    0                     0                     0 
      total_robberies   DwellingNoResidents      MedianHousePrice 
                    0                     0                     0 
             FlatAprt      fullTimeStudents                NoCars 
                    0                     0                     0 
     OtherEthnicGroup CentralHealingPercent             AvHholdSz 
                    0                     0                     0 

As we hoped, some obvious relationships stand out: for instance, the presence of apartments, and households with no cars, or central heating and average household size.

Our robbery and burglary data and change rates are densely clustered - they’re unlikely to cleanly associate with anything. With that in mind, we’ll perform a log transformation. This cannot be undertaken with negative values, so once again we’ll perform a shift (of 2) for both of our relative error numbers, as well as a commercial resident column, before log transforming our features.

feature_df$BurglaryRPDTranform <- feature_df$RPDburglaryShifted    + 2
feature_df$RobberyRPDTranform <- feature_df$RPDRobberyShifted   + 2

feature_df$ComEstResTranform <- feature_df$ComEstRes   + 2

for (col in colnames(feature_df)){
  new_name <- paste("log_", col, sep = "")
  feature_df[new_name] <- log(feature_df[col])

drop<- c( "log_ComEstRes", "log_RPDburglaryShifted", "log_RPDRobberyShifted")
feature_df<- feature_df[,!(names(feature_df) %in% drop)]

feat_transform_df <- feature_df[,17:29]
orig_feat_df <- feature_df[,0:17]

We’ve now separated a separate dataframe where each value has been log transformed - while this isn’t hugely rigorous (and would benefit from inspecting the relationships in more detail) it serves our immediate purpose.


While we’ve introduced a bit of noise, we’ve also “forced” some of our variables into relationships that look semi linear.

To dig into this deeper, let’s create a correlation matrix for our entire transformed dataframe.

Correlation computed with
• Method: 'pearson'
• Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
term log_total_burglaries log_total_robberies log_DwellingNoResidents log_MedianHousePrice log_FlatAprt log_fullTimeStudents log_NoCars log_OtherEthnicGroup log_CentralHealingPercent log_AvHholdSz log_BurglaryRPDTranform log_RobberyRPDTranform log_ComEstResTranform
log_total_burglaries NA 0.6793730 0.5009180 0.2641776 0.5386775 0.3830059 0.5287612 0.3864406 -0.3234183 -0.3632653 -0.2224450 -0.3858625 0.2461299
log_total_robberies 0.6793730 NA 0.3528253 0.0289555 0.6210392 0.6262973 0.7312742 0.5328260 -0.4392580 -0.1885684 -0.1143993 -0.3860350 0.2003534
log_DwellingNoResidents 0.5009180 0.3528253 NA 0.5259771 0.5455129 0.2061306 0.4187217 0.2388495 -0.3673864 -0.6022479 -0.1801381 -0.2106489 0.2991287
log_MedianHousePrice 0.2641776 0.0289555 0.5259771 NA 0.2266006 -0.0590916 0.0310431 0.1415866 -0.0743475 -0.4236094 -0.1667024 -0.0843802 0.1860743
log_FlatAprt 0.5386775 0.6210392 0.5455129 0.2266006 NA 0.4899513 0.8808568 0.5041155 -0.4913225 -0.5893529 -0.0645864 -0.1646088 0.2781184
log_fullTimeStudents 0.3830059 0.6262973 0.2061306 -0.0590916 0.4899513 NA 0.6188377 0.6459824 -0.3243579 0.1050335 -0.0491348 -0.2206372 0.2923494
log_NoCars 0.5287612 0.7312742 0.4187217 0.0310431 0.8808568 0.6188377 NA 0.5238758 -0.5402424 -0.4448476 -0.0361088 -0.2002598 0.1658930
log_OtherEthnicGroup 0.3864406 0.5328260 0.2388495 0.1415866 0.5041155 0.6459824 0.5238758 NA -0.2366892 0.0716831 -0.0182390 -0.1700667 0.1260174
log_CentralHealingPercent -0.3234183 -0.4392580 -0.3673864 -0.0743475 -0.4913225 -0.3243579 -0.5402424 -0.2366892 NA 0.4351582 0.0943127 0.2435584 -0.1453510
log_AvHholdSz -0.3632653 -0.1885684 -0.6022479 -0.4236094 -0.5893529 0.1050335 -0.4448476 0.0716831 0.4351582 NA 0.1430359 0.1747301 -0.2479341
log_BurglaryRPDTranform -0.2224450 -0.1143993 -0.1801381 -0.1667024 -0.0645864 -0.0491348 -0.0361088 -0.0182390 0.0943127 0.1430359 NA 0.1726291 -0.1678558
log_RobberyRPDTranform -0.3858625 -0.3860350 -0.2106489 -0.0843802 -0.1646088 -0.2206372 -0.2002598 -0.1700667 0.2435584 0.1747301 0.1726291 NA -0.1638404
log_ComEstResTranform 0.2461299 0.2003534 0.2991287 0.1860743 0.2781184 0.2923494 0.1658930 0.1260174 -0.1453510 -0.2479341 -0.1678558 -0.1638404 NA

To provide a visual aid, I’ve extracted the column for our robbery relative change rate, and sorted the table accordingly.

dplyr::select(correlate(feat_transform_df)[order(correlate(feat_transform_df)$log_BurglaryRPDTranform),], term, log_BurglaryRPDTranform)
Correlation computed with
• Method: 'pearson'
• Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
Correlation computed with
• Method: 'pearson'
• Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
term log_BurglaryRPDTranform
log_total_burglaries -0.2224450
log_DwellingNoResidents -0.1801381
log_ComEstResTranform -0.1678558
log_MedianHousePrice -0.1667024
log_total_robberies -0.1143993
log_FlatAprt -0.0645864
log_fullTimeStudents -0.0491348
log_NoCars -0.0361088
log_OtherEthnicGroup -0.0182390
log_CentralHealingPercent 0.0943127
log_AvHholdSz 0.1430359
log_RobberyRPDTranform 0.1726291
log_BurglaryRPDTranform NA


Now that we’ve transformed our data, cleaned it up, and identified potential correlates, let’s build our linear model.

There are various automated tools for this process that seek to provide the highest fit and significance, but given the high degree of correlation between my chosen features, I’ve taken a more manual approach and tested a variety of models until I identified one with a suitable fit. The final model is below.

mod_burglary <- lm(log_BurglaryRPDTranform ~ log_total_burglaries + log_FlatAprt + log_MedianHousePrice  + log_ComEstResTranform, data = feat_transform_df)

lm(formula = log_BurglaryRPDTranform ~ log_total_burglaries + 
    log_FlatAprt + log_MedianHousePrice + log_ComEstResTranform, 
    data = feat_transform_df)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.39022 -0.06547 -0.00309  0.05830  0.56322 

                       Estimate Std. Error t value             Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.255068   0.112681  11.138 < 0.0000000000000002 ***
log_total_burglaries  -0.058851   0.009708  -6.062        0.00000000192 ***
log_FlatAprt           0.016153   0.005157   3.132             0.001786 ** 
log_MedianHousePrice  -0.031691   0.009245  -3.428             0.000634 ***
log_ComEstResTranform -0.008125   0.002119  -3.833             0.000135 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1027 on 974 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.08188,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.07811 
F-statistic: 21.72 on 4 and 974 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

Our model suggests the largest burglary decrease linked to lockdown was in MSOAs which a high level of historic burglary. The composition of housing/accomodation and area type also seems to play a role, with those areas with higher median house prices, and a larger number of commercial residents, seeing stronger decreases, while conversely areas with large number of apartments temper the effect.

While all our variables are significant, the model is not a particularly good fit - the adjusted R2 is around 0.08, suggesting that less than 10% of the variance is accounted for by our model. I suspect more geographic features - such as distance from central London, more accurate footfall, or spatial lags - would probably be useful, but that’s outside the scope of this project.

Let’s perform a similar exercise for robbery.

dplyr::select(correlate(feat_transform_df)[order(correlate(feat_transform_df)$log_RobberyRPDTranform),], term, log_RobberyRPDTranform)
Correlation computed with
• Method: 'pearson'
• Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
Correlation computed with
• Method: 'pearson'
• Missing treated using: 'pairwise.complete.obs'
term log_RobberyRPDTranform
log_total_robberies -0.3860350
log_total_burglaries -0.3858625
log_fullTimeStudents -0.2206372
log_DwellingNoResidents -0.2106489
log_NoCars -0.2002598
log_OtherEthnicGroup -0.1700667
log_FlatAprt -0.1646088
log_ComEstResTranform -0.1638404
log_MedianHousePrice -0.0843802
log_BurglaryRPDTranform 0.1726291
log_AvHholdSz 0.1747301
log_CentralHealingPercent 0.2435584
log_RobberyRPDTranform NA
mod_burglary <- lm(log_RobberyRPDTranform ~ log_total_robberies  + log_total_burglaries + log_FlatAprt + log_CentralHealingPercent + log_fullTimeStudents, data = feat_transform_df)

lm(formula = log_RobberyRPDTranform ~ log_total_robberies + log_total_burglaries + 
    log_FlatAprt + log_CentralHealingPercent + log_fullTimeStudents, 
    data = feat_transform_df)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.95406 -0.04243 -0.00535  0.04616  0.31826 

                           Estimate Std. Error t value        Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)               -5.041998   1.396500  -3.610        0.000321 ***
log_total_robberies       -0.030763   0.005495  -5.598 0.0000000282078 ***
log_total_burglaries      -0.066724   0.009757  -6.838 0.0000000000141 ***
log_FlatAprt               0.029516   0.005148   5.733 0.0000000131343 ***
log_CentralHealingPercent  1.302973   0.301809   4.317 0.0000174188038 ***
log_fullTimeStudents      -0.001894   0.006809  -0.278        0.780980    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.08921 on 973 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2103,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2062 
F-statistic: 51.81 on 5 and 973 DF,  p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

This is a notably better fit than our burglary model, with our R2 suggesting we now account for over 20% of the variance. The nature of our predictors is also quite different: while we still see a negative relationship with historic crime (with areas of high historic crime experiencing larger relative decreases), there is a positive relationship with both the presence of apartments and central heating.

I suspect some of these features are correlates of deprivation, so I want to create a quick scatter of three - for now we’ll do it against median house price, which is definitely deprivation correlated.

heating <- ggplot(feature_df, aes(x = log_MedianHousePrice, y = log_CentralHealingPercent)) +

apartments <- ggplot(feature_df, aes(x = log_MedianHousePrice, y = log_FlatAprt)) +

comest <- ggplot(feature_df, aes(x = log_MedianHousePrice, y = log_ComEstResTranform)) +

ggarrange(heating, apartments, comest, ncol=3, nrow=1 )
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

While there does appear to be a relationship with some of these, it isn’t strong - this suggests the factor’s we have identified are significant not because of their association with deprivation and poverty, but because of what they mean about the specific characteristics of the area.

Random Forests

Unlike regression, random forest doesn’t really on any specific type of association - instead, we rely on computing power, repetition and iteration to capture the very best predictor for our variable, in any combination.

There are risks to this method: our sample size is smaller than I’d like, and this may lead to over-fit of outlier MSOAs.

It does mean we don’t need to worry about transformations or correlations: we can return to our original dataset, and let the model identify the strongest predictors.

# we remove rows where our main error is na or missing
rf_msoa_matrix <- drop_na(msoa_matrix_numeric, RPDRobberyShifted)

#then we repeat for any columns where value asre missing
clean_rf_matrix <- rf_msoa_matrix[ , colSums(is.na(rf_msoa_matrix)) == 0]

#then we drop out any values that directly predict our error.

drop<- c("burglaryActual","burglaryError","burglaryPercentError","burglaryPredicted","robberyActual","robberyPredicted","robberyError","robberyPercentError", "RPDBurglaryShifted", "RPDRobberyShifted")

#remove out selected columns
data<- clean_rf_matrix[,!(names(clean_rf_matrix) %in% drop)]

#automatically remove white space and make names r compatbiel
names(clean_rf_matrix)<-make.names(names(clean_rf_matrix),unique = TRUE)

drop<- c("burglaryActual","burglaryError","robberyActual","robberyError","RPDBurglary","RPDRobbery","robberyActualShifted","robberyPredictedShifted","burglaryActualShifted","burglaryPredictedShifted", "burglaryPredicted", "burglaryPercentError", "robberyPredicted", "robberyPercentError")
#drop<- c("burglaryPercentError","burglaryPredicted","robberyPredicted","robberyPercentError")

data<- clean_rf_matrix[,!(names(clean_rf_matrix) %in% drop)]

names(data)<- make.names(names(data),unique = TRUE)
UsualRes HholdRes ComEstRes PopDen Hholds AvHholdSz total_robberies total_burglaries RPDRobberyShifted RPDburglaryShifted Age.Structure..2011.Census..All.Ages Age.Structure..2011.Census..0.15 Age.Structure..2011.Census..16.29 Age.Structure..2011.Census..30.44 Age.Structure..2011.Census..45.64 Age.Structure..2011.Census..65. Age.Structure..2011.Census..Working.age Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2002 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2003 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2004 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2005 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2006 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2007 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2008 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2009 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2010 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2011 Mid.year.Estimate.totals.All.Ages.2012 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age…0.to.14 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age…15.64 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age…65. Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.0.4 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.5.9 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.10.14 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.15.19 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.20.24 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.25.29 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.30.34 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.35.39 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.40.44 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.45.49 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.50.54 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.55.59 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.60.64 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.65.69 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.70.74 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.75.79 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.80.84 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.85.89 Mid.year.Estimates.2012..by.age.90. Households..2011..All.Households Household.Composition..2011..Numbers.Couple.household.with.dependent.children Household.Composition..2011..Numbers.Couple.household.without.dependent.children Household.Composition..2011..Numbers.Lone.parent.household Household.Composition..2011..Numbers.One.person.household Household.Composition..2011..Numbers.Other.household.Types Household.Composition..2011..Percentages.Couple.household.with.dependent.children Household.Composition..2011..Percentages.Couple.household.without.dependent.children Household.Composition..2011..Percentages.Lone.parent.household Household.Composition..2011..Percentages.One.person.household Household.Composition..2011..Percentages.Other.household.Types Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..White Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Mixed.multiple.ethnic.groups Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Asian.Asian.British Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Black.African.Caribbean.Black.British Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Other.ethnic.group Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..BAME Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..White…. Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Mixed.multiple.ethnic.groups…. Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Asian.Asian.British…. Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Black.African.Caribbean.Black.British…. Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Other.ethnic.group…. Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..BAME…. Country.of.Birth..2011..United.Kingdom Country.of.Birth..2011..Not.United.Kingdom Country.of.Birth..2011..United.Kingdom…. Country.of.Birth..2011..Not.United.Kingdom…. Household.Language..2011..At.least.one.person.aged.16.and.over.in.household.has.English.as.a.main.language Household.Language..2011..No.people.in.household.have.English.as.a.main.language Household.Language..2011….of.people.aged.16.and.over.in.household.have.English.as.a.main.language Household.Language..2011….of.households.where.no.people.in.household.have.English.as.a.main.language Religion..2011..Christian Religion..2011..Buddhist Religion..2011..Hindu Religion..2011..Jewish Religion..2011..Muslim Religion..2011..Sikh Religion..2011..Other.religion Religion..2011..No.religion Religion..2011..Religion.not.stated Religion..2011..Christian…. Religion..2011..Buddhist…. Religion..2011..Hindu…. Religion..2011..Jewish…. Religion..2011..Muslim…. Religion..2011..Sikh…. Religion..2011..Other.religion…. Religion..2011..No.religion…. Religion..2011..Religion.not.stated…. Tenure..2011..Owned..Owned.outright Tenure..2011..Owned..Owned.with.a.mortgage.or.loan Tenure..2011..Social.rented Tenure..2011..Private.rented Tenure..2011..Owned..Owned.outright…. Tenure..2011..Owned..Owned.with.a.mortgage.or.loan…. Tenure..2011..Social.rented…. Tenure..2011..Private.rented…. Dwelling.type..2011..Household.spaces.with.at.least.one.usual.resident Dwelling.type..2011..Household.spaces.with.no.usual.residents Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Detached Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Semi.detached Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Terraced..including.end.terrace. Dwelling.type..2011..Flat..maisonette.or.apartment Dwelling.type..2011..Household.spaces.with.at.least.one.usual.resident…. Dwelling.type..2011..Household.spaces.with.no.usual.residents…. Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Detached…. Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Semi.detached…. Dwelling.type..2011..Whole.house.or.bungalow..Terraced..including.end.terrace….. Dwelling.type..2011..Flat..maisonette.or.apartment…. Land.Area.Hectares Population.Density.Persons.per.hectare..2012. House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2005 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2006 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2007 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2008 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2009 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2010 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2011 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2012 House.Prices.Median.House.Price…..2013..p. House.Prices.Sales.2005 House.Prices.Sales.2006 House.Prices.Sales.2007 House.Prices.Sales.2008 House.Prices.Sales.2009 House.Prices.Sales.2010 House.Prices.Sales.2011…129 House.Prices.Sales.2011…130 House.Prices.Sales.2013.p. Qualifications..2011.Census..No.qualifications Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Level.1.qualifications Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Level.2.qualifications Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Apprenticeship Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Level.3.qualifications Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Level.4.qualifications.and.above Qualifications..2011.Census..Highest.level.of.qualification..Other.qualifications Qualifications..2011.Census..Schoolchildren.and.full.time.students..Age.18.and.over Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Economically.active..Total Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Economically.active..Unemployed Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Economically.inactive..Total Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Economically.active.. Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Unemployment.Rate Economic.Activity..2011.Census..Economically.inactive.. Adults.in.Employment..2011.Census..No.adults.in.employment.in.household..With.dependent.children Adults.in.Employment..2011.Census….of.households.with.no.adults.in.employment..With.dependent.children Household.Income.Estimates..2011.12..Total.Mean.Annual.Household.Income…. Household.Income.Estimates..2011.12..Total.Median.Annual.Household.Income…. Income.Deprivation..2010….living.in.income.deprived.households.reliant.on.means.tested.benefit Income.Deprivation..2010….of.people.aged.over.60.who.live.in.pension.credit.households Lone.Parents..2011.Census..All.lone.parent.housholds.with.dependent.children Lone.Parents..2011.Census..Lone.parents.not.in.employment Lone.Parents..2011.Census..Lone.parent.not.in.employment.. Central.Heating..2011.Census..Households.with.central.heating…. Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.limited.a.lot Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.limited.a.little Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.not.limited Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.limited.a.lot…. Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.limited.a.little…. Health..2011.Census..Day.to.day.activities.not.limited…. Health..2011.Census..Very.good.health Health..2011.Census..Good.health Health..2011.Census..Fair.health Health..2011.Census..Bad.health Health..2011.Census..Very.bad.health Health..2011.Census..Very.good.health…. Health..2011.Census..Good.health…. Health..2011.Census..Fair.health…. Health..2011.Census..Bad.health…. Health..2011.Census..Very.bad.health…. Low.Birth.Weight.Births..2007.2011..Low.Birth.Weight.Births…. Low.Birth.Weight.Births..2007.2011..LCL…Lower.confidence.limit Low.Birth.Weight.Births..2007.2011..UCL…Upper.confidence.limit Obesity.Percentage.of.the.population.aged.16..with.a.BMI.of.30…modelled.estimate..2006.2008 Incidence.of.Cancer.All Incidence.of.Cancer.Breast.Cancer Life.Expectancy.Males Life.Expectancy.Females Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..No.cars.or.vans.in.household Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..1.car.or.van.in.household Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..2.cars.or.vans.in.household Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..3.cars.or.vans.in.household Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..4.or.more.cars.or.vans.in.household Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..Sum.of.all.cars.or.vans.in.the.area Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..No.cars.or.vans.in.household…. Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..1.car.or.van.in.household…. Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..2.cars.or.vans.in.household…. Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..3.cars.or.vans.in.household…. Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..4.or.more.cars.or.vans.in.household…. Car.or.van.availability..2011.Census..Cars.per.household Road.Casualties.2010.Fatal Road.Casualties.2010.Serious Road.Casualties.2010.Slight Road.Casualties.2010.2010.Total Road.Casualties.2011.Fatal Road.Casualties.2011.Serious Road.Casualties.2011.Slight Road.Casualties.2011.2011.Total Road.Casualties.2012.Fatal Road.Casualties.2012.Serious Road.Casualties.2012.Slight Road.Casualties.2012.2012.Total
7375 7187 188 25.5 4385 1.6 53 58 0.0601204 -0.1219796 7375 620 1665 2045 2010 1035 5720 7280 7115 7118 7131 7254 7607 7429 7472 7338 7412 7604 8.771699 76.68332 14.54498 297 205 165 231 495 949 826 622 663 598 504 470 473 363 263 192 155 86 47 4385 306 927 153 2472 527 6.978335 21.14025 3.489168 56.37400 12.01824 5799 289 940 193 154 1576 78.63051 3.918644 12.745763 2.616949 2.0881356 21.36949 4670 2705 63.32203 36.67797 3825 560 87.22919 12.770810 3344 92 145 166 409 18 28 2522 651 45.3 1.2 2.0 2.3 5.5 0.2 0.4 34.2 8.8 1093 762 725 1573 24.9 17.4 16.5 35.9 4385 1145 22 12 80 5416 79.3 20.7 0.4 0.2 1.4 98.0 289.78 26.24060 310000 341000 412500 365000.0 410000 450000 465000 485000 595000 303 295 268 141 157 235 256 195 353 454 291 445 47 484 4618 416 422 4972 187 1335 78.83304 3.761062 21.16696 38 0.9 59728.48 46788.30 5.2 9.9 91 22 24.2 95.7 328 520 6527 4.447458 7.050847 88.50169 4112 2374 643 190 56 55.75593 32.18983 8.718644 2.576271 0.759322 4.2 2.5 7.1 13.7 76.8 90.9 83.6 88.4 3043 1100 173 51 18 1692 69.4 25.1 3.9 1.2 0.4 0.3858609 1 39 334 374 0 46 359 405 2 51 361 414
6775 6724 51 31.3 2713 2.5 53 136 -0.0223392 0.3489691 6775 1751 1277 1388 1258 1101 3923 6333 6312 6329 6341 6330 6323 6369 6570 6636 6783 6853 25.113089 58.73340 16.15351 652 607 462 458 399 468 466 466 461 450 347 254 256 254 206 215 201 137 94 2713 491 366 597 814 445 18.098046 13.49060 22.005160 30.00369 16.40251 4403 330 820 1133 89 2372 64.98893 4.870849 12.103321 16.723247 1.3136531 35.01107 5159 1616 76.14760 23.85240 2459 254 90.63767 9.362329 3975 19 174 27 591 122 16 1417 434 58.7 0.3 2.6 0.4 8.7 1.8 0.2 20.9 6.4 596 663 1133 269 22.0 24.4 41.8 9.9 2713 82 99 744 865 1087 97.1 2.9 3.5 26.6 30.9 38.9 216.15 31.70483 168500 180000 187500 197500.0 190000 173000 185000 182250 190000 81 100 100 68 45 61 51 42 61 1623 789 706 118 479 914 395 272 2847 335 1513 65.29817 11.766772 34.70183 319 11.8 31788.19 27058.70 31.0 27.5 445 249 56.0 97.5 707 678 5390 10.435424 10.007380 79.55720 2933 2288 1059 389 106 43.29151 33.77122 15.630996 5.741697 1.564576 10.6 8.4 13.3 29.8 100.7 93.3 78.0 80.1 1020 1186 424 66 17 2305 37.6 43.7 15.6 2.4 0.6 0.8496130 0 0 18 18 0 2 16 18 0 1 15 16
10045 10033 12 46.9 3834 2.6 124 239 0.0526430 -0.0218569 10045 2247 1959 2300 2259 1280 6518 9236 9252 9155 9072 9144 9227 9564 9914 10042 10088 10218 21.442552 65.81523 12.74222 849 739 603 615 686 804 818 743 770 713 624 526 426 372 277 258 198 124 73 3834 776 730 589 1039 700 20.239958 19.04017 15.362546 27.09963 18.25769 5486 433 2284 1618 224 4559 54.61424 4.310602 22.737680 16.107516 2.2299652 45.38576 7193 2852 71.60777 28.39223 3431 403 89.48878 10.511215 5475 46 476 42 1351 430 34 1514 677 54.5 0.5 4.7 0.4 13.4 4.3 0.3 15.1 6.7 1028 1473 446 830 26.8 38.4 11.6 21.6 3834 110 161 936 1591 1256 97.2 2.8 4.1 23.7 40.3 31.8 214.15 47.71422 185000 197750 220000 225000.0 188500 215000 200000 205500 237000 203 232 295 100 80 97 89 114 98 1778 1210 1236 169 847 1829 729 442 5038 459 2111 70.47139 9.110758 29.52861 268 7.0 43356.93 36834.53 18.9 21.2 408 199 48.8 96.5 792 810 8443 7.884520 8.063713 84.05177 4566 3633 1325 406 115 45.45545 36.16725 13.190642 4.041812 1.144848 7.8 6.1 9.9 28.3 91.4 107.3 80.2 85.6 1196 1753 691 155 39 3766 31.2 45.7 18.0 4.0 1.0 0.9822640 0 3 34 37 1 4 40 45 0 3 47 50
6182 5937 245 24.8 2318 2.6 30 81 0.0257532 0.1381492 6182 1196 1277 1154 1543 1012 3974 6208 6159 6163 6152 5997 6005 6084 6268 6237 6185 6308 18.246671 65.82118 15.93215 409 364 378 516 472 435 363 399 388 463 459 354 303 226 238 194 172 106 69 2318 508 524 322 609 355 21.915444 22.60569 13.891286 26.27265 15.31493 5006 186 313 649 28 1176 80.97703 3.008735 5.063086 10.498221 0.4529279 19.02297 5292 890 85.60336 14.39664 2214 104 95.51337 4.486626 4070 21 34 23 234 10 18 1373 399 65.8 0.3 0.5 0.4 3.8 0.2 0.3 22.2 6.5 718 969 371 228 31.0 41.8 16.0 9.8 2318 45 92 858 1094 314 98.1 1.9 3.9 36.3 46.3 13.2 249.28 25.30488 181000 182000 212000 208997.5 182000 192000 193750 205000 210000 93 131 125 66 54 61 72 58 67 1502 800 825 163 539 891 266 215 3187 296 1251 71.81163 9.287731 28.18837 122 5.3 46701.44 39668.21 15.8 21.3 206 87 42.2 98.5 586 547 5049 9.479133 8.848269 81.67260 2857 2086 861 302 76 46.21482 33.74313 13.927532 4.885150 1.229376 5.8 3.9 8.6 26.9 96.1 95.5 77.9 80.7 556 1085 515 128 34 2650 24.0 46.8 22.2 5.5 1.5 1.1432269 0 1 13 14 0 2 7 9 0 2 5 7
8562 8562 0 72.1 3183 2.7 87 161 -0.1490559 -0.0107732 8562 2200 1592 1995 1829 946 5416 7919 7922 7882 7887 7917 7916 8025 8317 8519 8588 8660 24.237875 64.57275 11.18938 783 692 624 657 525 608 616 643 673 656 508 386 320 321 202 194 127 90 35 3183 691 583 593 808 508 21.709080 18.31605 18.630223 25.38486 15.95979 5674 313 1050 1445 80 2888 66.26956 3.655688 12.263490 16.876898 0.9343611 33.73044 6425 2137 75.04088 24.95912 2868 315 90.10368 9.896324 4986 28 138 35 762 166 13 1816 618 58.2 0.3 1.6 0.4 8.9 1.9 0.2 21.2 7.2 711 1146 793 482 22.3 36.0 24.9 15.1 3183 89 136 622 2141 373 97.3 2.7 4.2 19.0 65.4 11.4 118.81 72.88949 162250 170000 185000 200000.0 166250 169000 165000 167000 180000 152 168 184 73 60 58 81 59 75 1839 1026 1038 160 653 1119 527 333 4052 394 1881 68.29597 9.723593 31.70403 307 9.6 34293.82 29155.68 22.9 25.3 442 231 52.3 96.3 713 722 7127 8.327494 8.432609 83.23990 4089 2811 1134 412 116 47.75753 32.83111 13.244569 4.811960 1.354824 7.7 6.0 9.9 29.7 110.0 106.1 76.8 79.9 1080 1423 551 109 20 2937 33.9 44.7 17.3 3.4 0.6 0.9227144 1 5 24 30 0 2 27 29 0 1 24 25
8791 8672 119 50.6 3441 2.5 96 136 0.0702553 -0.1401784 8791 2388 1765 1867 1736 1035 5368 7806 7726 7771 7820 7877 7974 8145 8394 8571 8823 9076 26.586602 62.02071 11.39268 957 792 664 633 642 686 634 651 596 610 483 398 296 242 207 180 181 139 85 3441 643 489 776 1064 469 18.686428 14.21099 22.551584 30.92124 13.62976 5906 307 526 1997 55 2885 67.18235 3.492208 5.983392 22.716414 0.6256399 32.81765 6658 2133 75.73655 24.26345 3117 324 90.58413 9.415867 5409 22 67 13 577 19 24 2148 512 61.5 0.3 0.8 0.1 6.6 0.2 0.3 24.4 5.8 558 821 1663 333 16.2 23.9 48.3 9.7 3441 93 82 761 1219 1471 97.4 2.6 2.3 21.5 34.5 41.6 173.58 52.28713 165000 165000 187000 199000.0 155000 165000 153750 172500 168500 112 133 139 39 40 75 76 48 55 2057 1065 1001 166 556 1129 429 402 3905 511 1893 67.35081 13.085788 32.64919 437 12.7 29975.83 25568.60 33.3 28.9 602 345 57.3 98.1 828 752 7211 9.418724 8.554203 82.02707 3996 3015 1252 407 121 45.45558 34.29644 14.241838 4.629735 1.376408 6.8 5.3 8.8 29.0 117.0 80.1 75.7 79.5 1496 1444 419 63 19 2549 43.5 42.0 12.2 1.8 0.6 0.7407730 0 2 18 20 1 1 18 20 0 2 25 27

We start with modelling our relative rate of burglary shift. We divide our sample into a training set which we’ll use to train the model, and a test set we’ll use to verify accuracy and validity.


sample = sample.split(data$RPDburglaryShifted, SplitRatio = 0.7)
train = subset(data, sample == TRUE)
test  = subset(data, sample == FALSE)

rf_burglary <- randomForest(
  RPDburglaryShifted ~ .,

                Length Class  Mode     
call              4    -none- call     
type              1    -none- character
predicted       685    -none- numeric  
mse             500    -none- numeric  
rsq             500    -none- numeric  
oob.times       685    -none- numeric  
importance      420    -none- numeric  
importanceSD    210    -none- numeric  
localImportance   0    -none- NULL     
proximity         0    -none- NULL     
ntree             1    -none- numeric  
mtry              1    -none- numeric  
forest           11    -none- list     
coefs             0    -none- NULL     
y               685    -none- numeric  
test              0    -none- NULL     
inbag             0    -none- NULL     
terms             3    terms  call     
#calculate our predictions and a  rmse
prediction <-predict(rf_burglary, test)
Metrics::rmse(test$RPDburglaryShifted, prediction)
[1] 0.2054765

While machine learning models were once considered opaque and difficult to interpret, several libraries now offer functionality to explain predictions. Here I use DALEX to do just this.

rf_explainer_burglary <- DALEX::explain(rf_burglary, data=train, y= train$RPDburglaryShifted)
Preparation of a new explainer is initiated
  -> model label       :  randomForest  (  default  )
  -> data              :  685  rows  211  cols 
  -> data              :  tibble converted into a data.frame 
  -> target variable   :  685  values 
  -> predict function  :  yhat.randomForest  will be used (  default  )
  -> predicted values  :  No value for predict function target column. (  default  )
  -> model_info        :  package randomForest , ver. , task regression (  default  ) 
  -> predicted values  :  numerical, min =  -0.5274977 , mean =  -0.07802522 , max =  0.6606534  
  -> residual function :  difference between y and yhat (  default  )
  -> residuals         :  numerical, min =  -0.2851655 , mean =  -0.001568916 , max =  0.6340126  
  A new explainer has been created!  
rf_perf_burg <- model_performance(rf_explainer_burglary)
Measures for:  regression
mse        : 0.006624875 
rmse       : 0.08139334 
r2         : 0.8398785 
mad        : 0.04636179

          0%          10%          20%          30%          40%          50% 
-0.285165546 -0.093485342 -0.059400738 -0.040833227 -0.024804195 -0.007423066 
         60%          70%          80%          90%         100% 
 0.009744147  0.032325289  0.054260825  0.089461048  0.634012592 

We can see that our model significantly outperforms our best linear models: the R2 suggests that almost 85% of the variance is correctly interpreted, and our rmse (root mean squared error) is around 0.2 on our test set.

This model would be ill-suited to prediction or operationalising -it is a default forecast with no hyper-parameter tuning, and no consideration of error rates - but using tools like DALEX, we can identify which predictors the model identifies as most important.

model_parts_burg <-model_parts(rf_explainer_burglary)
plot(model_parts_burg, max_vars=25)

The three most important features our model highlights are: - the age composition of the population - the number of residents which are in commercial property - the historic number of burglaries

This seems to corroborate our previous regression model. To further unpick these trends, we can use Partial Dependence Plots to identify how the model prediction shifts with these values.

pdp_b <- model_profile(rf_explainer_burglary)
plot(pdp_b, variables="total_burglaries")

We still see a strong association between a high number of historic, and a large reduction during the lockdown period

plot(pdp_b, variables= "Religion..2011..Christian")


plot(pdp_b, variables="ComEstRes")


By combining the distribution of commercial residents by MSOA with our PDP, we can see that those MSOAs that are most densely populated by commercial residents see the smallest “covid decrease”(suggesting that those MSOAs that are very heavily residential saw the sharpest drops).

plot(pdp_b, variables="House.Prices.Sales.2008")

Finally, we can see that those areas that experienced the highest volume of house sales experienced the lowest relative decrease in burglary.

This highlights the importance of identifying correlates in RF models - especially in a dataset where features are highly interlinked, association does not imply causation, and we should be wary of over-interpreting.

We can now repeat our process for our robbery shift.


sample = sample.split(data$RPDRobberyShifted, SplitRatio = 0.75)
train = subset(data, sample == TRUE)
test  = subset(data, sample == FALSE)

rf_robbery <- randomForest(
  RPDRobberyShifted ~ .,

                Length Class  Mode     
call              4    -none- call     
type              1    -none- character
predicted       734    -none- numeric  
mse             500    -none- numeric  
rsq             500    -none- numeric  
oob.times       734    -none- numeric  
importance      420    -none- numeric  
importanceSD    210    -none- numeric  
localImportance   0    -none- NULL     
proximity         0    -none- NULL     
ntree             1    -none- numeric  
mtry              1    -none- numeric  
forest           11    -none- list     
coefs             0    -none- NULL     
y               734    -none- numeric  
test              0    -none- NULL     
inbag             0    -none- NULL     
terms             3    terms  call     

We’ve now trained a model. Let’s now use the DALEX library to understand it, and see how it performs.

rf_explainer_robbery <- DALEX::explain(rf_robbery, data=train, y= train$RPDRobberyShifted)
Preparation of a new explainer is initiated
  -> model label       :  randomForest  (  default  )
  -> data              :  734  rows  211  cols 
  -> data              :  tibble converted into a data.frame 
  -> target variable   :  734  values 
  -> predict function  :  yhat.randomForest  will be used (  default  )
  -> predicted values  :  No value for predict function target column. (  default  )
  -> model_info        :  package randomForest , ver. , task regression (  default  ) 
  -> predicted values  :  numerical, min =  -0.9908618 , mean =  -0.04880848 , max =  0.3886733  
  -> residual function :  difference between y and yhat (  default  )
  -> residuals         :  numerical, min =  -0.4640489 , mean =  -0.0007951117 , max =  0.2909289  
  A new explainer has been created!  
rf_perf_rob <- model_performance(rf_explainer_robbery)
Measures for:  regression
mse        : 0.003630323 
rmse       : 0.06025216 
r2         : 0.872715 
mad        : 0.02818358

          0%          10%          20%          30%          40%          50% 
-0.464048863 -0.059133188 -0.037257312 -0.023376075 -0.014244755 -0.004866538 
         60%          70%          80%          90%         100% 
 0.005089387  0.019736886  0.034999616  0.059437002  0.290928866 
model_parts_rob <-model_parts(rf_explainer_robbery)
plot(model_parts_rob, max_vars=25)

pdp_rob <- model_profile(rf_explainer_robbery)
plot(pdp_rob, variables="total_robberies")

plot(pdp_rob, variables="total_burglaries")

The effect of historic crime effects again appears like a reliable predictor of a robbery covid shift: those MSOAs with the highest number of burglaries and robberies see strong decreases in robbery (though the association with burglary is not clear cut, suggesting other interaction effects may be driving this)

plot(pdp_rob, variables="Road.Casualties.2011.2011.Total")

Road casualties is another strong relationship. This could be a proxy for deprivation, but I suggest this is more down to geographic features - road casualties are probably rarer in denser urban environments, most likely to be affected by lockdown.

plot(pdp_rob, variables="Ethnic.Group..2011.Census..Other.ethnic.group....")


Finally, we see a demographic predictor linked to “other ethnic group”. I’m not clear how to interpret this, but it suggests that those MSOAs that are most diverse (and have the largest representation by these ethnic groups) experienced the strongest decreases in robbery during lockdown.

Together, these analyses suggest that the crime drop for robbery and burglary during national lockdown was significantly affected by distinct local factors. For both offences, historical crime trends play a role, with high crime areas experiencing a relatively larger drop in both burglary and robbery.

Beyond that, the drivers vary for each offence type: burglary was driven by the composition of the residential population, with heavily residential areas, and areas with a relatively “stable” population as measured by low housing sales also saw larger decrease - this is likely due to the increased number of empty residential properties.

Robbery decreases conversely, are well associated with high numbers of road casualties, as well as the ethnic makeup of the local population - this is likely due to an association with denser, more urban areas, with lower street speeds, and a possible link to deprivation, whereby minority population were least able to work from home, and were likely to still present as available targets for robbery.